Budgie y el poder del sample
Budgie uno de los productores más prolíficos de los últimos años. Es un tesoro británico que captura samples y los re-imagina en menos de 2 minutos. Con más de 10 releases a la fecha, seguimos queriendo más. Como si fuera poco, también tiene un álbum colaborativo con The Alchemist.
Tuvimos una conversación, puntual, acerca de su sonido actual, cómo llegó a trabajar con Kanye West, y qué podemos esperar.
Aquí les dejamos la entrevista, en su idioma original.
El Timbre Suena: I know labels are hard, but how would you describe your sound?
Budgie: My sound is a certain set of chords that I gravitate towards. I find them in a lot of different genres like gospel and brasilian music.
Can you recall the moment when things turned around for you? I mean, when you first realized this was going to be your job?
B: I always knew I was gonna do something in music since I was a kid dancing to the TV, watching Michael Jackson. My dad also has a record shop. I’ve always been around a lot of music my whole life.
I like the length of every release, the cohesion with the sounds in each compilation. Was Panty Soakers intended to be a series?
B: Panty Soakers is just a way for me to indulge in different genres I like and create a story through making loops and beats.
Every Hour was such a powerful way to start the album. God is good! Can you talk about how this collaboration came to be?
B: I’ve been collecting gospel records for 10 years, and my friend Benji B introduced me to Kanye last year when he started working with the choir. Working with Kanye is an amazing experience, he really is a genius. He’s also one of the most inspiring and generous people I’ve met.
What’s next for you?
B: I’m working on a follow up to Holy Ghost One and an album with some of my musician friends called B Funk.
Pueden escuchar más mixes de Budgie en su programa mensual en NTS Radio.
Ya disponible en Bandcamp The Good Book II – Chuuch Preach Tabernacle. Esta producción fue lanzada el 03 de julio del 2,020. Buddy, Joyce Wrice, Remy Banks, Fatima, entre otros aparecen como colaboradores de este compilado.
Aquí encuentran su discografía completa.